The Magic of Mumbai: Travel Photography from India’s Largest City

If you’ve never been to India and get invited to a wedding there, I strongly encourage TAKING THE OPPORTUNITY! I’ve been super lucky that the 2 times I’ve been to India have both been for wedding celebrations – one time to Jodphur, and this last month for a friend’s wedding in Mumbai!

Below are some travel photos from my first time to Mumbai. I also post many of my travel photos on Instagram if you would like to see more – @cchangphoto.

LA traffic is a breeze compared to Mumbai. 2 hours to get cross town.

We rode the trains during rush hour. Not recommended if one is claustrophobic.

They treat animals extremely well here. All the strays are well fed, get plenty of attention, and sleep all day. 🙂

Dhobi Ghat – Mumbai’s largest open air laundromat. If you purchase clothing that says “Made in India” (including high-end designers like Fendi), the fabric is treated here.

Children are allowed to work if they live below the poverty line and are making money to contribute to their families.

Trains offer separate compartments for women, though they are allowed to ride in the general compartments with men if they like. Though, groping and harassment is common. My girlfriend and I experienced this when we rode the train. I was livid. Everyone should be able to feel safe.

Every time I saw a dog I ran over to it and my friends were always wondering, “Where’s CC?”

My favorite dude at the Flower Market.

I paid 200 rupees (30 cents) for these roses. My tour guide said I got ripped off.

Fish Market. See the two cats? What a life!

The Gate of India.

My poor boyfriend. I’m not a museum person so never want to go inside, so now he just admires them from the outside. Lol. Sometimes we’ll split up and meet back up later.

Attending our friend’s wedding – the best part of the trip! Life is always fulfilling when you are with the right people.


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