Our Chinese Wedding Fully Equipped with Karaoke, a Power Point Presentation, Folk Dancers, and 150 People I Didn’t Know

Pete & I had 3 weddings. One for us, one for his extended family in New Jersey, and a Chinese Wedding for my dad’s family and friends in San Gabriel.

We liked having it this way because after doing our celebration our way, we were happy to tell our parents, “Do whatever you want and we’ll just show up.” Who are we kidding to say anything? These kind of parties are really for them anyway.

Below are a few photos from my dad’s party. A Chinese Wedding Banquet fully equipped with karaoke, a Power Point presentation, folk dancers, and 150 people I didn’t know.

Photos by Michelle Lacson.

To make the party sound more interesting my dad made the invitation to say that it was a party to celebrate both his daughters getting married. My sister has a life partner but they aren’t officially married yet. She saw the invitation and was like, “What the…?!.” Once again, we both agreed that whatever he wanted we would say, “Ok dad.”

Dad: “I want to do a folk dance opening number with the both of you.”

Us: “… Ok dad.”


Some of our friends made it out too!

Dad’s Power Point Presentation.

My dad gave Pete a Chinese name. Peter is actually his middle name and his first name is Marion so Chinese name = “Ma Li On.”

Folk dance performances.

Thumbs up on the karaoke machine.

The Nic Jackson Band.

My niece & nephew. <3

If you’d like to see photos from Pete & I’s wedding (the one we planned for ourselves, haha), click here.

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