Headshot Lighting Tip

Here is an easy tip if you want good natural portrait light.

DOORWAYS are great.  I love them.  The subject is in the shade while light funnels in, resulting in a natural (and flattering) lit subject.

I’m posting this photo unedited to show how great the light is.  This is 100% natural with no reflectors or anything.  Easy breezy.


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Karen

    Hi Christine, I love your blog! I want to be a photographer too, but I was wondering how you got started and how you get your name out to clients?

  2. Christine Chang

    Thanks Karen! Took a look at your blog too. I LOVE that you shoot film!

    I started by doing a lot of events and shoots for free – through friends or even Craigslist. After I was confident enough about my work and portfolio, I started picking up small gigs here and there through friends and referrals. After you shoot enough weddings and events, the referrals really start to snow ball!

    Word of mouth is the best form of marketing, and it’s free!

  3. teri

    well, it suuuuure helps with a pretty model, too! love the clarity of your camera…I better start exfoliating for May! 🙂

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