Here are the answers to last week’s Q&A! Open Q&A’s are held on Facebook every Friday for the next few months.
Hope you all had a splendid weekend. I spent it in NYC. This city has my heart and I can’t wait to come back. I fly back to LA in a couple hours and I won’t lie, I’m sad!
1. Perla B.: Do you think it is important to study photography at university to become a successful photographer? What kind of qualifications do you need to go to that sort of university? Is a lot of passion enough?
I don’t think going to university guarantees any sort of success. I know people who have gone to Harvard to get their MBAs, have huge student debt, are miserable with their careers, and don’t make a lot of money. I didn’t study photography in school. I majored in International Development at UCLA. To be honest I only went for my parents because formal education is important to their generation. Nowadays there are so many ways to learn things (online classes, workshops, etc). I also think you learn more by traveling and life experience than sitting in a classroom. As for photography specifically, I am a believer that if you have enough passion, it’ll give you the drive to become successful. But to sustain the business long term, one must have practicality and systems in place.
The photographer friends I have who have gone to photography school (4 year program) all say it wasn’t necessary. I don’t think it’s a good or bad thing, I think it depends on the individual. If you decide to study photography in school, I don’t think you need any sort of qualification – you can even start at a community college.
2. Wendy N.: When I get married will you fly over to Sydney to be our photographer? I’ve seen your photographs and no other measures up to your work. Lol serious question!
Aw, thanks Wendy! The answer is yes! I LOVE AUSTRALIA. I did a study abroad program there when I was in college. One of the best times of my life.
3. Loveexa K.: Can you tell me anything about how to take good pictures from an 8 MP cell phone camera?
If you want to enhance your photos taken with your phone, download an App. I have the iPhone and I love using Camera+ and Instagram.
4. Lori F.: Are you a CPP? If so, how has it benefited your photography and/or business?
I am not a CPP, but I am a part of PPA. The only reason I signed up is because the offer discounted insurance rates. Outside of discounts here and there, it doesn’t really give you any credentials as a photographer.
5. Michelle V.: How long have you had your own website- specifically your blog link? Did you start on another blog platform first ie Blogspot, WordPress, Tumblr…? If so, what made you decide to make the transition and how did you get people to follow you or look at your site?
I started on Blogger. Blogger is amazing (they make things SO easy!) but I switched over to my own url a couple years ago because I wanted more flexibility. I was hesitant to make the change because I already had a following on Blogger, but I knew in the long run this would be better for business.
I announced on my old blog that I would be switching urls and figured anyone who really wanted to read my stuff would follow me. Nowadays most people find my blog via Facebook or other social media sites.
6. Sandy C.: Will you go to other countries to take photos for wedding photos?
7. Jamie G.: Who is your all time favorite female Disney character and why?
Mulan, and I’m not only saying that because I’m Chinese. That girl got down and dirty, and kicked butt.
8. Suu K.: Can you recommend a good camera strap? Mine is killing my neck.
I use the RS-W1 camera strap by BlackRapids. They have one specifically made for women. It’s great!
9. Maricle K.: What’s the color skin tone you use in your photos?
I like to use the person that I’m taking a picture of’s skin tone. 😉
10. Mikey L.: Why is it that when you take photos of strangers with a point-n-shoot or cell phone, you’re a perv…but when you whip out a dSLR…you’re a photographer.
Um, you just gave all the pervs out there a great idea.
Thankss Christine for your response 🙂