Q&A: Facebook Photo Size + Best Portrait & Event Lens

Below are some answers to last week’s Q&A on Facebook!


1. Deirdre G.:  What are the specs of the images you post on FB?

1200px long edge, 72ppi.

2. Marina S.: What photographers inspire you?

Joe Buissink and Annie Leibovitz are my favorites.

3. Santosh K.: Which lens is best for event photography? I am looking for a lens which cost less than $600.

The 24-105mm has a great range. It’s costs a little more than $600. I highly recommend saving up and investing in the 24-70mm f/2.8. I’ve used that lens A LOT since I started photographing weddings and events 7 years ago.

4. Georgina D.: I have a new mother and baby girl Sunday morning, how do you get your wonderful relaxed and happy moments?  What do you say for them to be so relaxed?

This blog post may help: 7 Tips For Photographing People.  Good luck with your shoot!

5.  Santosh K.:  Which is the best lens for portraits?

My favorite for portraits is the 24-70mm f/2.8. A lot of my friends who shoot fashion love the 80mm f/1.4.

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